is a website for international football news. represents the largest football community in the world, with 22 language versions, covering over 200 countries. provides users with the breaking news, live scores, match previews, editorials, exclusives, and latest club news through its interactive web site and community forums. It has a search bar (so it means that they are using forums like PHP,MySQL,AJAX for collecting data) which helps you find inforamations (news). When I open this site there is a search bar and many hyperlinks.When i open them there is at least one video (for that they are using Mulitimedia) Below each video or information lies a comment by the up-loader and some comments posted by the viewers. This site is mostly for highly educated people that like to find some news about politics and economics. When i open it i notice that there is a search box and alot of links. You can notice the cool animations they have inserted so with that it is more interesting for the readers (also that means that they are using javascript).