Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Copyright Laws

Copyright law has both benefited society and made it harder for the other part of society to be creative and invent their own works of art because the competition is too high and only a handfull of people hold the music industry, film industry, and art industry. Copyright law is very good because it helps artists who have worked hard for their work to have some profit from it, and be able to work further and invent more genious things. The copyright laws help artist defend their work from being taken or destroyed by other people. Although all this is good for artist and other inventors, it is bad for another group of people who wish to write, or invent something, because it is hard for them to compete against monopoly industries.

The only thing that I would change about the copywrite laws is that they are not alowed to punish people for downloading music or movies, because its not their fault. I would make it so that the people who upload that music and videos get punished.

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